Terms of Use

This Website is provided by Reciclomad, Unipessoal Lda 

The following Terms apply to the entire contents of the Website under the domain name www.reciclomad.com (the “Website”) and to any correspondence by e-mail between us and you (the “User”).

Please read these Terms carefully before using the Website. Using the Website indicates that you accept these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, you should close your browser and stop surfing this site.

These Terms are issued by Reciclomad, Unipessoal Lda.

Introduction: The Company may revise the Terms at any time, and you should check the Website from time to time to review the most current Terms of Use.

The Company may monitor access to the Website and terminate a User’s access at any time for any reason, and the provisions regarding Disclaimer and Liability shall survive any termination.

Trademark: “Reciclomad, Unipessoal Lda” and its device (i.e., logo) is a registered trademark of Reciclomad, Unipessoal Lda.

Use of Website: Users are not permitted to copy, distribute, download, modify, reproduce, republish, post, print, transmit, upload, and store any material and/or extracts from the Website without the Company’s written permission, except where permitted at law. Unauthorized use of all material and/or extracts may violate the Company’s copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws.

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material on the Website are owned by the Company. For the purposes of these Terms, any use of material and/or extracts is prohibited. If you breach any of the terms in these terms, your permission to use the Website automatically terminates, and you must immediately destroy any such material and/or extracts from the Website. Any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved.

Service Access: While the Company endeavors to ensure that the Website is normally available 24 hours a day, the Company shall not be liable if for any reason the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period.

Access to the Website may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair, or for reasons beyond the Company’s control.

Visistor Material Conduct Other than personally identifiable information, which is covered under our Privacy Policy, any material you transmit or post to the Website shall be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. The Company shall have no obligations with respect to such material. The Company and its designee shall be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and otherwise use such material and all data, images, sounds, text, and other things embodied therein for any and all commercial or non-commercial purposes.

You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from the Website any material:

  • that is threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in breach of privacy or which may cause annoyance or inconvenience; or
  • for which you have not obtained all necessary licenses and/or approvals; or
  • which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the law of or infringe the rights of any third party, in any country in the world; or
  • which is technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data). You may not misuse the Website (including, without limitation, by hacking).

The Company shall fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing the Company to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material in breach of Visitor and Conduct.

Disclaimer: The Company endeavors to ensure that the information on the Website is correct, but does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the material on the Website.

The Company may make changes to the material on the Website, or to the products and prices described in it, at any time without notice.

The material on the Website may be out of date, and the Company makes no commitment to update such material. The material on the Website is provided “as is”, without any conditions, warranties, or other terms of any kind. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company provides you with the Website on the basis that the Company excludes all representations, warranties, conditions, and other terms (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose, and the use of reasonable care and skill which, but for this legal notice, might have effect in relation to the Website.

Liability: Reciclomad, Unipessoal Lda, and any of the Company’s officers, directors, employees, shareholders or agents of any of them, exclude all liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a third party in connection with the Website in any way or in connection with the use, inability to use,